DK Art School An Introduction to Acrylics

DK Art School An Introduction to Acrylics

Whether you’ve taken art classes or never held a brush before, this comprehensive, clear, and concise guide will show you everything you need to know about working in this challenging—but rewarding— medium. Written by accomplished artist Ray Smith, it paints a clear picture of everything an acrylic artist needs to know, from selecting your colors and working with washes to the alla prima layering technique and exploring new ideas and presenting your art, in only 72 concise pages.

The book features hundreds of vivid, crystal-clear full-color photographs, essential for understanding the fine points of such a visual medium. And it offers easy-to-follow projects, shown as they were created, which teach the essentials while inspiring the student to tackle increasingly complex techniques.

An Introduction to Acrylics is part of the DK Art School series. Each volume of the series focuses on a specific medium and subject, so you can choose precisely what you want to learn — from acrylic figure to oil portrait, and from pastel still life to watercolor landscape.

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