DK 2020新书 1000 Inventions and Discoveries 1000项发明和发现

DK 2020新书 1000 Inventions and Discoveries 1000项发明和发现

Dip into this illustrated account of key inventions and discoveries, listed year by year, with intriguing facts about each invention and the person (or people) who invented it.

From the prehistoric hunting tools our early ancestors used to the modern-day smartphones that connect the entire planet, this book provides a fascinating tour through the history of humankind’s inventions and discoveries.

Fully revised and updated for 2020, 1,000 Inventions and Discoveries explores recent inventions and discoveries – from the Amazon Echo to the first photograph of a black hole – as well as showcasing revolutionary historical inventions such as the wheel. Whether you’re a budding inventor, a history buff, or both, this amazing guide is packed with the inventions and discoveries in science, technology, transport, medicine, and mathematics that changed the course of human existence.



对2020年进行了全面修订和更新,共有1000项发明和发现探索了从Amazon Echo到黑洞的第一张照片的最新发明和发现,并展示了诸如车轮之类的革命性历史发明。无论您是萌芽的发明家,历史爱好者,还是两者兼而有之,此惊人的指南都包含了改变人类生存过程的科学,技术,运输,医学和数学方面的发明和发现。

About 1000 Inventions and Discoveries

Dip into this illustrated account of key inventions and discoveries, listed year by year, with intriguing facts about each invention and the person (or people) who invented it.

From the prehistoric hunting tools our early ancestors used to the modern-day smartphones that connect the entire planet, this book provides a fascinating tour through the history of humankind’s inventions and discoveries.

Fully revised and updated for 2020, 1000 Inventions and Discoveries explores recent inventions and discoveries – from the Amazon Echo to the first photograph of a black hole – as well as showcasing revolutionary historical inventions such as the wheel. Whether you’re a budding inventor, a history buff, or both, this amazing guide is packed with the inventions and discoveries in science, technology, transport, medicine, and mathematics that changed the course of human existence.

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