牛津 OXFORD The Grammar Lab 1-3册 教师书+学生书

牛津 OXFORD The Grammar Lab 1-3册 教师书+学生书


The Grammar Lab 1

Each chapter deals with a separate piece of grammar. Teaches grammar rules in short, easy stages. Every stage is followed by simple exercises. Regular revision notes. Plenty of written and spoken exercises, with space to write in the books. All the language is used in context.

The Grammar Lab 2

There are books at three levels of difficulty from beginner to intermediate, suitable for use on their own or in support of a general coursebook. Within each chapter, grammar rules are taught in stages. Exercises follow each stage to check understanding. Each student’s book is accompanied by a teacher’s book. This describes the features and organization of the student’s book and gives answers to the exercises.

The Grammar Lab 3

Each chapter deals with a separate piece of grammar. Teaches grammar rules in short, easy stages. Every stage is followed by simple exercises. Regular revision notes. Plenty of written and spoken exercises, with space to write in the books. All the language is used in context.


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