The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language

The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language

The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language is the first comprehensive descriptive grammar of English to appear for over fifteen years, a period which has seen immense developments in linguistic theory at all levels. The principal authors, Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey Pullum, are among the world’s leading scholars in this area, and they have benefited from the expertise of an international team of distinguished contributors in preparing what will be the definitive grammar for decades to come. Each chapter comprises core definitions, detailed analyses, notes explaining alternative interpretations of difficult or controversial points, and brief notes on usage and history. Numerous cross-references and an exhaustive index ensure ease of access to information. An introductory section offers guidance as to how best to use the book is provided. Rodney Huddleston was until recently Professor in the Linguistics section of the Department of English at the University of Queensland, Australia, and has been publishing important books and papers on English grammar for thirty years. Geoffrey K. Pullum is Professor of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and is the author of 200 articles and books on English grammar and a variety of other topics in theoretical and applied linguistics.

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